Tawingo Alumni Circle
The Tawingo Alumni Circle is an organized extension of the Camp Tawingo Staff. It invites all present and former Camp Tawingo Staff to join in this association with the aims of maintaining the fellowship of Tawingo. A dedicated group of Tawingo Alumni members are serving on a TAC Steering Committee to help build and maintain an active and fun Alumni Circle. If you are a current or past staff member and would like to join the TAC, please reach out to us at alumni@tawingo.net and we will be sure to send you all of our Alumni news and event information. You can also find us on Facebook
Jack Pearse Memorial Campership Fund
The Jack Pearse Memorial Campership Fund was established in 2014 to provide camp experiences to children whose families do not have the resources available to provide it themselves. Through the Jack Pearse Memorial Campership Fund, the Tawingo Alumni Circle commits to following and supporting campership campers through their entire careers at Camp, thereby ensuring the best possible benefit for the children as they grow and develop.
Donations are always needed and always welcome.
There are two ways to help:
Make a donation directly to the Jack Pearse Memorial Campership Fund. You can do this by *including a donation on the Camper Application form (for current Camper Families), or *sending a cheque or e-transfer to Camp Tawingo (see below)
Make a donation to AMICI. AMICI is a charitable organization which has been sending children to many camps in Ontario for over 40 years. Over the last 15 years, Camp Tawingo has welcomed over 20 campers from AMICI! AMICI will issue a charitable receipt for your donation. If you wish to have us send your donation to AMICI, please let us know.
We are pleased to receive donations in any way you find convenient. One-time, repeat, and ongoing donations are welcome. If donating by cheque, please make the cheque payable to the "Camp Tawingo - Campership Fund", and mail it directly to Camp Tawingo.
For comments or questions regarding the Campership Fund, please contact us at alumni@tawingo.net.